T.E.A.M.S, much like S.T.E.A.M, is an acronym based system of learning that challenges students add to the math and sciences of S.T.E.A.M to engage in a more holistic view of the world that ultimately will better prepare students for the modern workforce. T.E.A.M.S takes a look at five different subjects of learning for students to dive into; Technology, Economy, Art, Marketing, and Skills.
Most of us know the acronym S.T.E.M. (Science Technology Engineering and Math). Without the fundamentals of Science, Engineering and Math there is no technology and without technology there are no Brands. All computers, phones, fashion, food and one-day , flying cars are rooted in Science, Engineering and Math. In fact, is there no product that is not 100% technological. Technology is an amazing, powerful thing. However, technology isn’t limited to these complex sci-fi fantasies. Some of man’s first technological inventions can be traced back to the all-too iconic, Flintstones'-fashioned wooden club. Technology and technological advances areis used to solve many if not most of the world’s problems, including some of the most demanding problems such as water sanitation or virus vaccinations, to some of our more trivial problems such as tying our shoes or cooking a rotisserie chicken.
By integrating the familiar disciplines of S.T.E.M. into Technology (the T in T.E.A.M.S.), we are able to bring to light crucial disciplines for a career-centric modern problem solver. In some shape or form, any company’s products can be considered some form of technology; from clothes, tools, and furniture to complex processors.
These days, it would be a challenge to turn on the news without hearing how many points the Dow has dropped since yesterday’s “record low,” since the Great Recession in 2008. However, what do all these numbers mean? How are they relevant to companies- society as a whole? Why are businesses across the country closing their doors? Laying off employees? Should I start investing in stocks now? Many of the questions being asked now, have been asked for decades since the introduction of fiat currency.
Economic trends are an integral indicator of the prosperity of a society, as it shows the flow of money in and out of the system and the behaviors of consumers and producers. Some of the world’s greatest tycoons, such as Warren Buffett, made their billions by observing economic trends! Economics are the building blocks of society.
While each discipline of art (ex. visual, music, performing, design etc.) seems to have its own dedicated cult following, one concept can be agreed on by loyalists and critics alike: the goal of art is to appeal to taste - whether it be towards the greater masses or a small group of loyal followers. Everyone, can appreciate art and Brands rely on it. Brands are recognized by their logos, theme songs, product design and packaging. We have come to love our Brands because of the Art.
Art makes human life beautiful and worth pursuing. Thus, art is everywhere – from music, paintings, and performance! Every front-end design of a website, iPhone or fashion design can credit its sleek composition to skilled artists.
Had it not been for the “Geico gecko” or notorious “Jake from State Farm” TV commercial, we probably wouldn’t have a clue what these companies do. For God’s sake, these are car and home insurance corporations! Students and children are definitely unlikely to need to pay for home insurance any time soon. So, what makes these company’s marketing tactics so genius? Why is marketing so important in reaching these company’s audiences? While they may say “any press is good press,” marketing shouldn’t necessarily be treated equally in the likes, since marketing is vital towards shaping a brand’s image.
The one common denominator with a Brand is its most precious resource: its’ people. To thrive a person, both professionally and at home with all need social skills. Most skills we need to thrive and survive are learned through hands on experience and not only supplemented through screen time. The skills above are typically technical and financial, however to really excel, we need the emotional.and social skills to be resilient and adapt to an ever-changing world.
Since the internet was introduced less than four decades ago, it has never been easier to find a job, develop new hobbies, and connect with friends and family from afar. However, since the early 2000’s when the internet became a widespread household commodity, teen and adult mental health has declined dramatically. Hearing news of school shootings has become more eerily common. Fear, insecurity, and self-doubt continue to plague the minds of young adults as cyberbullying becomes widespread. Thus, the question repeatedly arises – how can we prevent this?
As natives of the Information Age, it is imperative that we recognize that the root of such issues are derived from a lack of important coping skills completely absent from the academic setting, to foster a future of healthy and productive members of society. Beyond technical skills we want to challenge you to brainstorm the necessary social skills which might include emotional, interpersonal, and leadership skills just to name a few!
Alexis Cheng - Junior at Northwest High School
"As a current junior in High School, I can already say that I have witnessed and lived through a global event that will appear in history books and lectures within classrooms for years to come. Much to my own personal inconvenience, the effects of COVID-19 have completely altered the course of my junior year by canceling my plans to take the SAT, closing schools for perhaps the entire year, and ruining my sleep schedule. However, I can very fortunately say that my parents are continuing to remain in their occupations as they have been blessed with the opportunity to work remotely from home.
Beyond the day-to-day first-world problems I undergo now, one can only imagine the effects of COVID-19 across the world, let alone nation. From day one since case zero, small businesses such as restaurants, brick-and-mortar shops and large travel corporations have fallen victim to the economic devastation caused by fears of contracting the virus in public spaces. The entire world has collectively experienced thousands of casualties, causing an uproar of mass public fear and hysteria over the lack of preparation supplied by the CDC and the WHO. To many, it may seem as if we have entered the beginnings of a dystopia, plagued by the effects of a virus seemingly impossible to contain, as it has already managed to affect thousands of our loved ones."
When the chips are down, it may seem almost impossible for students to bounce back to everyday life. However, in this crucial period youth education has come to a halt due to school closures and minimal access to social engagement, it is important to continue providing students with the necessary tools to continue to actively participate in their education.
While the world may have never been fully prepared for the mass effects of a global pandemic at a time like this, we believe it is fully possible to continue the course of public education in order to prepare a new generation of leaders and innovators to lead prosperous careers and be equipped with the knowledge and tools to perhaps combat another once-in-a-lifetime pandemic like COVID-19 in the future. Our mission is to spread the value of occupational literacy among students K-12, in order to channel their interests towards leading productive careers that will further stimulate their academic future. Now, amidst this crisis, this is the perfect exercise to not only engage students in the relevant happenings of now, but to also combat at-home boredom and restore educational engagement through distance and remote learning.
Through this exercise, students will engage in a 5-week program that stresses the importance of social connections while maintaining physical distancing. Parents may also find it helpful knowing their child is continuing to build necessary skills useful towards their own success! Students of all ages through K-12 will have the opportunity to identify several businesses and recognize how and why they have been affected by the current economic state, and what can be done on their part to engage with these businesses and build their own professional networks. Social interaction and intellectual engagement are vital components towards maintaining feelings of productivity, and building skills to prepare entry into the workforce.